Friday, March 26, 2010

Increase Sales with Conversational Hypnosis Marketing

Using Conversational Hypnosis to Increase Sales.

Everyone lately has heard about the amazing Igor Ledochowski and his conversational hypnosis teachings. He is in huge demand by large companies and is charging $575.00 per hour to teach you how to harness the power of conversational hypnosis. Not only does he have huge fees, he has a minimum course requirement of 12 sessions. That is nearly $7,000 for the course - and people are lining up to pay him!

Have you ever considered how this could affect you? Do you rely on sales to make your income? If so, you should give this some thought. What if you could 'read' potential clients and know which triggers to push in order to get them to buy from you. That is, in a nutshell, what Igor teaches. It is not hypnosis as such, more like "the power of suggestion".

Apart from the obvious 'sales' advantages, some of the other benefits of learning to harness this power include:-
  • Increasing your power of attraction.
  • Improving relationships, both business and personal.
  • Attracting new friends or business partners.
  • Being recognized for your achievements.
  • Changing the behavioral patterns of others.
  • Altering someones opinion without them realizing.
We all have the power to do this, it is part of a normal functioning brain to be able to understand the thoughts of others and, with some training, that same normal brain can begin to alter the thought and behavior patterns of others.

Picture this, you really need the commission from one more sale to close out the month, but every consumer that crosses your path has an objection to making a snap purchase. What about if you could read those people, each and every one of those potential sales that, until now, have been saying "thanks, but no thanks".

How easy would your sales become if you knew what your potential clients objections were before they told you and had those extra few seconds to formulate an appropriate 'persuasive conversation' that pressed the correct emotional trigger with that client. They would immediately agree with your analysis and, without truly understanding why, would be only too eager to give you that sale.

What about the other end of the scale? You really want that new boat but don't want to pay the tag price. How easy would it be if you could read the next sales pitch to come from the sales-person before they had uttered a word. Immediately, you have those extra few seconds to formulate a response that would have them 'wanting' to give you a huge discount.

The possibilities are endless and you don't need to pay anything like $575.00 per hour to learn how to do this.

Follow this link to find out more:- Conversational Hypnosis.